1.3 Abbreviations
In rules made under the Act
ACC means area control centre:
ACAS means airborne collision avoidance system:
AD means airworthiness directive:
ADF means automatic direction-finder:
ADS -B means automatic dependent surveillance broadcast:
AEDRS means automatic engine data recording system:
AELS means Aircraft Emergency Location System.
AFRU means an Aerodrome Frequency Response Unit:
AFS means aeronautical fixed service:
AFTN means aeronautical fixed telecommunication network:
AGL means above ground level:
AIC means Aeronautical Information Circular:
AIP means Aeronautical Information Publication:
AIPNZ means the Aeronautical Information Publication New Zealand:
AIS means aeronautical information service:
AMC means an accredited medical conclusion, as defined in section 27A of the Act.
AMSL means above mean sea level:
ANZA means Australia New Zealand Aviation:
AQP means advanced qualification programme:
ARC means aerodrome reference code:
ARFL means aeroplane reference field length:
ASDA means accelerate-stop distance available:
ATC means air traffic control service:
ATCRBS means air traffic control radio beacon system:
ATIS means automatic terminal information service:
ATS means air traffic services:
AWIB means an Aerodrome and Weather Information Broadcast:
BRNAV means basic area navigation:
BTPD means body temperature and pressure dry:
BTPS means body temperature and pressure standard:
CAA means the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand established by section 72A of the Act:
CAR means Civil Aviation Rules:
CBIP means Certification Board for Inspection Personnel:
CDFA means a continuous descent final approach:
CMP means configuration, maintenance and procedures standards document:
CRM means crew resource management:
DA means decision altitude:
dBm means a power expressed in decibels with a reference level of 1 milliwatt:
dBW means a power expressed in decibels with a reference level of 1 watt:
DF means direction finding:
DH means decision height:
DME means distance measuring equipment:
EDTO means extended diversion time operation:
EET means estimated elapsed time:
ELT means emergency locator transmitter:
ELT (AF) means emergency locator transmitter (automatic fixed):
ELT (S) means emergency locator transmitter (survival):
EPIRB means emergency position indicating radio beacon:
ETA means estimated time of arrival:
ETOPS means extended-range twin-engine operations:
FAR means Federal Aviation Regulations issued by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of America:
FDPS means flight data processing system:
FIC means flight information centre:
FIR means flight information region:
GAA means general aviation area:
GPS means global positioning system:
GPWS means ground proximity warning system:
HF means high frequency:
ICAO means the International Civil Aviation Organisation established under the Convention; and includes any successor to the Organisation:
IFR means instrument flight rules:
IFSD means in-flight shut down:
ILS means instrument landing system:
IMC means instrument meteorological conditions:
ISA means international standard atmosphere:
LDA means landing distance available:
LOC means localiser:
LRNS means long range navigation system:
LSA means Light Sport Aircraft
MCTOW means maximum certificated take-off weight:
MDA means minimum descent altitude:
MDH means minimum descent height:
ME1 means a medical examiner who holds a Medical Examiner 1 Certificate issued under the Act:
ME2 means a medical examiner who holds a Medical Examiner 2 Certificate issued under the Act:
MEL means minimum equipment list:
MLS means microwave landing system:
MNPS means minimum navigation performance specifications:
MTOPP means mean tracheal oxygen partial pressure:
NDB means non-directional radio beacon:
NDT means non-destructive testing:
NM means nautical mile:
NOF means international NOTAM office:
NPA means non-precision approach:
NZANR means New Zealand Air Navigation Register:
NZPMA means New Zealand Parts Manufacturing Approval:
NZTSO means New Zealand Technical Standard Order:
OGE means out of ground effect:
PAR means precision approach radar:
PIB means Pre-flight Information Bulletin:
PLA means parachute landing area:
PLB means personal locator beacon:
PRA means precision radar approach
PSR means primary surveillance radar:
QFE means atmospheric pressure at aerodrome level or at runway threshold:
QNH means an altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground:
RDPS means radar data processing system: RESA means a runway end safety area:
RF means radio frequency:
RFDPS radar and flight data processing system:
RNAV means area navigation:
RNP means required navigation performance:
RPM means revolutions per minute:
RVR means runway visual range:
RVSM means reduced vertical separation minimum:
SEIFR means single-engine IFR:
SELCAL means selective calling system:
SFAR means Special Federal Aviation Regulations issued by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of America:
SSR means secondary surveillance radar:
STC means Supplemental Type Certificate:
STPD means standard temperature and pressure dry:
TALPA means Take-off and Landing Performance Assessment:
TAWS means terrain awareness and warning system:
TBO means time between overhaul:
TCAD means traffic alert and collision avoidance device:
TCAS means traffic alert and collision avoidance system:
TODA means take-off distance available:
TORA means take-off run available:
TSO means a technical standard order that is issued by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of America:
UAS means unmanned aircraft system:
UF means uplink formats:
UHF means ultra high frequency:
UTC means co-ordinated universal time:
V1 means take-off decision speed:
VEF means the calibrated speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail:
VS means the stalling speed:
VFR means visual flight rules:
VHF means very high frequency:
VMC means visual meteorological conditions:
VOLMET means meteorological information for aircraft in flight:
VOR means VHF omnidirectional radio range:
VSM means vertical separation minimum:
VSWR means voltage standing wave ratio:
VTA means vertebrate toxic agent:
ZFT means zero flight time.