5.5 Radar Services to VFR Flights
5.5.1 Radar Control, radar advisory and radar information services, as
appropriate, are provided to VFR flights under area radar or approach radar
control within radar coverage in Class C and Class D airspace.
5.5.2 Radar services are not normally provided to VFR flights within radar
coverage operating in Class G airspace. Every effort will be made to
provide a service if requested, but it will be limited to:
(a) assisting aircraft experiencing an emergency; or
(b) giving navigational assistance; or
(c) aircraft crossing Cook Strait.
5.5.3 The use of radar by ATC does not absolve the pilot from compliance
with the requirements for operation under VFR. Terrain clearance remains
the responsibility of the pilot.
5.5.4 Should pilots operating under VFR encounter a situation where their
ability to remain clear of terrain is compromised, any requests for
assistance from ATS must include details of the circumstances.