91.607 Approval of maintenance programmes
(a) An applicant for the approval of a maintenance programme referred
to in rule 91.605(a)(2) must complete form CAA 24091/02, and submit it to
the Director together with the document required by paragraph (b) and a
payment of the appropriate application fee prescribed by Regulations made
under the Act.
(b) The applicant for the approval of a maintenance programme must
provide the Director with a document containing--
(1) a description of the maintenance programme; and
(2) procedures for maintenance control; and
- (3) procedures for the compilation and retention of records, reports,
and technical reference material; and
(4) instructions and procedures for the conduct of the maintenance
for the particular aircraft type, including required inspections
and tests; and
(5) an inspection schedule that is consistent with--
(i) the manufacturer's recommendations; and
(ii) the operator's service experience; and
(iii) the type of operation in which the aircraft is engaged; and
(6) procedures for extending inspection intervals in accordance with
rule 91.611, if applicable; and
(7) procedures for assessing and controlling engine, propeller and
component TBO escalations, if applicable; and
(8) procedures for changing an inspection interval on the basis of
service experience, if applicable; and
(9) sample inspection forms, and instructions for their use; and
(10) sample reports and records, and instructions for their use.
(c) The Director may approve a maintenance programme for an applicant
if the Director is satisfied that--
(1) the programme meets the requirements of paragraph (b); and
(2) the approval of the maintenance programme is not contrary to
the interests of aviation safety.
(d) An applicant for approval of a maintenance programme for an aircraft
that has a special category--exhibition airworthiness certificate or a special
category--limited airworthiness certificate must, in addition to paragraph
(b), provide the Director with a document containing--
- (1) details of a pre-flight inspection that must be carried out before
the first flight of the day for the aircraft; and
(2) details of a post-flight inspection if a post-flight inspection is
specified by the manufacturer or recognised military authority
for the aircraft type; and
(3) details of an annual maintenance inspection; and
(4) if applicable, a schedule of lifed components and their associated
life as specified by--
(i) the aircraft manufacturer; or
(ii) a military authority acceptable to the Director; or
(iii) the Director; and
(5) provisions for ensuring the continuing airworthiness of the
aircraft; and
(6) additional inspections consistent with--
(i) the manufacturer's recommendations; and
(ii) service experience, including military operations; and
(iii) the type of operations in which the aircraft is engaged;
(iv) the complexity of the aircraft.
(e) A maintenance programme required by rule 91.605(b)(2) to which
paragraph (d) applies must include the airframe, engines, propellers, rotors,
appliances, survival equipment and emergency equipment.
(f) Subject to any change that the Director may require under rule
91.609, a maintenance programme approved under paragraph (c) for an
aircraft that has a special category airworthiness certificate is only valid for
the period that the certificate of registration remains valid under rule 47.65.