43.153 Review requirements
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), a person performing a review of
airworthiness, required under rule 91.615, for an aircraft must, within the 30
day period immediately before certifying that the review has been
(1) check that the aircraft conforms to its type certificate data sheet
or equivalent type data that is acceptable to the Director; and
(2) check that every instrument and item of equipment required
under Subpart F of Part 91 is fitted; and
(3) for an aircraft that is required under rule 91.509(b) to be fitted
with a time-in-service recorder--
(i) record the time-in-service recorder reading in the
appropriate maintenance logbook; and
(ii) compare the aircraft's total time-in-service recorded in
the technical log with the time-in-service recorder
reading; and
(iii) ensure that any discrepancy in the aircraft's total time-in-
service that is identified under paragraph (a)(3)(ii) is
included in the reports required under rule 43.155(a)(4);
(4) check that since the last review of airworthiness, or inspection
for the issue of an airworthiness certificate--
(i) every modification and repair has been correctly recorded
and certified for release-to-service referencing the
applicable technical data listed in Appendix D to Part 21;
(ii) all due maintenance specified in the applicable
maintenance programme has been correctly recorded and
certified for release-to-service; and
(iii) every airworthiness directive relevant to the aircraft type
and its installed components has been assessed and
certified as being `embodied', `found embodied', or `not
applicable', and if an airworthiness directive is repetitive,
check that it is recorded in the repetitive section of the
appropriate maintenance logbook; and
(iv) every defect recorded in the technical log has been
rectified and the aircraft released to service or the
defective instruments and equipment are recorded in the
technical log, and placarded as inoperative if they are
permitted to be inoperative under rule 91.537; and
(v) every applicable release-to-service has been completed
and certified in accordance with Subpart C; and
(vi) the recorded weight and balance data reflects any changes
to the aircraft's weight and balance and that the recorded
weight and balance data is within the published weight
and balance limitations for the aircraft; and
(vii) the flight manual, including every applicable supplement
is the current version for the aircraft in its existing state;
(5) check that the overhaul and finite life of each lifed component is
recorded and is within the limits laid down in the applicable
manufacturer's document and, if practicable, verify serial
numbers by physical inspection; and
(6) perform a general condition inspection of the aircraft.
(b) The requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(4)(i) do not apply to an
aircraft that has a special category airworthiness certificate issued under
Subpart H of Part 21.
(c) The person performing the review of airworthiness must record any
new defects identified during the review in the technical log and in the
appropriate maintenance logbook.