135.233 Landing distance runways
- (a) A holder of an air operator certificate must ensure that, for each aeroplane it operates, the landing weight for the estimated time of landing will not exceed the landing weight specified in the aeroplane flight manual.
- (b) A holder of an air operator certificate must use the following procedures for calculating the landing distance for an aeroplane on a runway:
- (1) that have been approved under paragraph (c); or
- (2) as provided in Appendix D.
- (c) The Director may approve an application by a holder of an air operator certificate for procedures referred to in paragraph (b)(1) if satisfied of the following matters:
- (1) whether or not the aeroplane proposed has performance data issued by the manufacturer supporting the procedures that is available for use by the pilot or flight crew; and
- (2) whether the operator has reliable access to either -
- (i) accurate, real-time reporting on runway conditions that is appropriate for the permitted procedures to be used; or
- (ii) data that enables the operator to identify equivalent conditions; and
- (3) the margin of error that should be applied when calculating landing distance using the permitted procedures which must take into account the following:
- (i) the implications of pilot technique on landing distance:
- (ii) the implications of unexpected environmental conditions at the destination aerodrome:
- (iii) whether the calculation is being undertaken at the dispatch stage or en-route:
- (iv) whether the margin of error is supported by the reporting of the runway conditions; and
- (4) whether all personnel involved in the reporting of runway conditions, calculation of data and operation of the flight have had appropriate training in the use of the procedures.